Saturday, October 25, 2008

Disgusting chauvinism...

There were tens of thousands of ethnic Irish Americans in Maine protesting against Britain's persecution of Irish people in Ireland. Micheal Douglus, the hollywood actor said the US should send army to scuttle britain's ethnic cleansing otherwise the Irish Americans would seccede from America. His Irish blood is boiling over this. He questioned whether the blood running in Bill Clinton's body is irish. He challenged Bill Clinton to show his placental connection and called bill clinton a shame for not helping Irish cause using his ex-presidential influence. He said the Irish people now dont believe in USA. what is the use of ICBMs and nuclear warheads if it cannot be used for protecting the Irish-american taxpayer's umblical connection. He said the 10s of thousands of Irish people have chosen maine for protesting because maine is closer to england and their shouts and cries would reach britain's deaf ears. He also said in his emotional cry that he and his fellow irish-americans are going to take up AK-1000 if irish people are continue to be persecuted in Ireland.

Scene 2:

Collin powell and lakhs of African american gathered in Ocean city Maryland in a show of might for their umblical cord relations in darfur. Powell said African americans would seccede from america if USA does not fire 1000s of ICBMs against Khartum for its atrocity against the darfurians. Powell said america is playing against African american sentiments in Darfur. He said time has come for him and the 100s of thousands of African americans to swin against the atlantic ocean to reach africa and walk to darfur and show the might of their umblical cord's power.

Scene 3:

Gujaratis were being persecuted by Idi Amin. They were beaten and trashed and thier property confisticated. The gujartis were still Indian citizens they were not ethnic citizen of uganda. The gujaratis in India asked.....................atom bomb ..... pokhran ......umblical chord......

Now back to reality. Now why not such comedy happens in other parts of the world but only in TN? Even for infants the last remnants of umblical chord falls of within
2 days. How long will tamils in TN be taken for a ride in the name of umblical chord?

I strongly condemn the racist SL govt. but equally condemnable is the racial bigotry organisation the LTTE.

It has killed the greatest gandhian the world has ever produced after Gandhi -- Amirthalingam. Not only that it is the only organisation that has assasinated more leaders than all the terrorist organisation in the world combined. It has ethnically cleansed muslims. It has killed all the other splinter tamil groups. LTTE is doing ,done and will do more harm to the Tamils cause than anyone else. only when it is out of the scene a good solution could be achieved.

even when SL govt opened the A7 highway the LTTE blocks it. Even last week LTTE tried to sink vessel carrying food materials to kilinochi's tamil.whatever food material that reaches kilinochi is being grabbed by LTTE.

Why all of a sudden there is a sudden spike in the protests in TN? Even for a small lolipop sucking baby it would be very evident. The LTTE has been encircled by the SL army in its own den. Now there is no way for them except to fight and perish or chew their power candy dangling around their neck. The politicians in LTTE pay rolls in TN are doing what their pay masters want to do. The desperation is pretty evident with the amount of protests TN is seeing every day.

It is okay to raise voice in suppport of the kilinochi tamils even if the tamils in TN dont want to know the reality in kilinochi and the ulterior designs of LTTE even if none in the world would do such ridicule act citing umblical chord that has spanned about 1500 years. But what rights do Amir,seeman and other fools ask for seccession of TN from India?

The example these useless craps raise is that whether after mahatma gandhi's assasination the whole of godse's race was eliminated then why after Rajiv's death the whole of tamil race is being wiped? What a great logic these idiots are blabbering. First no Indian or indian army is killing TN tamils or for that matter no indian is killing SL tamils. Also Godse was hanged after his henious crime. Beant singh was hanged for killing indira. If they want to apply the same logic then Prabha also should be hanged for his role in Rajiv's assasination.

Seeman says that the homeland for tamils has been already achieved then why doesnt he go there and live in the homeland of tamils rather than staying in India and foementing seccession.

I recently read excerpts from a book about Tamil ethnic people other than from india. It talks about how sadistically the Eelam tamils used to treat the plantation tamils who migrated to SL. Till to date the plantation tamils who are real indians are being illtreated and looked down by SL Tamils. Till to date Thondaman the leader of plantation tamils shows how frustrated they are with the SL Tamils and LTTE.

The caste conscious SL tamils treat the plantation tamils as untouchables. Even leaving this i support the SL tamils just only on humanitarian basis and nothing on language basis. They are suffering from 2 demons one the dreaded LTTE and another some bigotry elements in SL like JVP and some chauvinistic buddhist elements.

Of all the leaders in TN who are being swept by irrational logic and by the of cash infused by the terrorist LTTE only JJ has stood her ground. She really distinguished between supporting Eelam tamils and opposing LTTE. In spite of all the tension and the palpable bigotry feelings being fanned in TN , she has stood ground. I also bow down to some TN congress leaders who are also in forefront in opposing the support for LTTE.

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