Friday, December 26, 2008

One month passed 26/11

One month passed but what the fuck has been done so far. Nothing. The gigolo manmohan has not taken any step. Only blabberings that are emanting from his co-gigolo pranab and chidambaram are confusing. One day one gigolo will blabber one thing and another day another of his co-gigolo will blabber another. One day the gigolo fucker pranab will say we are prepared for any thing including war. another day the same gigolo will say india will not wage war. Cut short your crap gigolos.

Meanwhile pakistan is acting extra smart. They are tarninshing india and indians in every way possible.

They stage managed a bomb blast, arrested an indian as the conspirator of the blast.started build up of troops alongside our border etc.,

The gigoloo Italian mafia agent Manmohan enuch has not done anything excpet smelling his own fart and gigling at this gigoloo power.

The interpol has said it has not received any proof so far. What is happening why it is so confusing. Why there is no coordinated effort?

It is as if pakistan is the one that has been attacked and india is the perpeterator. Pakistan moved smart, it has already moved its forces.

Now there is no element of surprise left in the arsenal for india. Who knows pakistan might even attack places in india claiming that they are terrorist havens.

Hang this manmohan bastard for treason and inefficiency. According to IPC dubakur it is possible. The crap manmohan bastarad is unfit to be even a peon in PMO but that fucker by licking some one's .... has become PM what a tragedy.

This fool fucker could not even control the fuck Anutulay bastard.

A utter fucking failure bastard manmohan. You fuck resign your fucking shit post.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shame on you Indian media..

Today the observer a UK newspaper has firmly established the full identity of kasab, the terrorist under indian authorities control. A reporter from observer has published the electoral rolls from faridakot with kasab's parents name in it.

The filty indian newspapers have not done anything of this sort. Has this happened in UK for the observer to do this investigation?

One side we have a stupid govt which shudders to act and another is the indian media which is as crap ,useless as the govt.

Condi Rice warned pak that US will act if pak does not reign in Let and now the observer is doing the part which the indian media should have done.

Is US govt the govt of india? is India a state in US? is observer the national dialy of indians? Whats happening.

We are lame duck bastards and we can just sell our sukhois and other stuffs in ebay and just outsource the governanace and reporting to US and UK.

One thing is very sure now, the witch and bastard sonia is going to loose her deposit in the coming election and so is her bastardised son the impotent Rahul.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Green signal but no will...

It is absolutely disgusting when i think about the spineless bastard cowards who occupy the pedstal of power in india.

Condi Rice came and she just fell short of ordering the indian troops to invade pakistan other than that she gave all the hints and all the go ahead for punitive action against pakistan. Probably she would have done that too if she really knew that the indian turbanwallah fucker's cowardice.

It was so confusing whether she is the foreign minister of india or that enuch pranab mokrakattajee is. All the think tank in USA have more or less given the green signal atleast for a quick surgical strike against the bastard terrorists in porkistan.

USA which has one standard for it and no ,nothing standard for others ,has this time perturbed over the heavy toll india had ,said india has every right to defend itself.

Even then the cowards who know only to pee in their pants and clean sonia's bathroom are scared to death to take any action. They want 100 million to die in india before they could crack open their mustard size brain to think anything about military action.

Not only condi, the nagesh lookalike and hawk, even the so called messiah who descended from heaven to bring peace upon the earth , Barrack hussein obama said india has every right to bring justice to the terrorists across the border.

Still the turbanwallah is not moved. may be he would wait till sonia's dog is killed by terrorists. If that happens probably he would be filled with remorse, anger and would nuke porkistan. Terrorists ,please terrorists next time target atleast sonia's dog or cat or atleast make sure sonia's one boot is stolen with ample evidence that terrorist from pakistan has done it then the fool fucker would act .

Frustrated by the insensitivity shown by the sonia's cucumbine manmohan some world leaders have even mooted a joint international strike against the terrorist bases in porkistan. This coward should atleast build concensus in the world to achieve that but he is so satisfied just smelling his own fart that he does not do any thing.

Shame on this leadership, india , india i can just shed tears probably some bad words against the fucking bastard leadership. i am helpless o mother to bring the needed justice.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

why this farce?

I dont understand why the terrorists have to do such risky job of sailing in the sea to bring their weapons? Dont they know that india sends buses, trains, planes to help them to bring those things?

The indian govt fuckers will be the only shit fuckers in the world who would send buses,trains to transport people to kill their own country men. Who the fuck in the world was crying for such buses?

why we need to fence the border when we issue visas for terrorists to enter legally?

Unless and until sonai gandhi or priyanka gandhi or rahul gandhi or that mama vadera fall to the bullets of terrorists no sensible security actions would be taken. Remember Rajiv gandhi's killing ? After that the LTTE has been proscribed for 17 years but even after kargil, 4500 lives, akshardaan,punjab militancy,kashmiri militancy and other multitude and multitude of shameless craps we still send buses .

Will America do it? Will Isreal do it? will even a miniscule country like SL Lanka do it? Only shameless india will do it. only a spineless,senesless bastard like manmohan can do it. Is it his life that is being under threat no not all. There are thousands of security officials who stand guard even when he is shitting, smelling all his farts. It is just the lives of some low form creatures the indians that are being lost so why bother to strain his miniscule mustard sized brain to come up with solutions.

After 9/11, the taliban paid the price, Saddam paid his price for nothing but just for putting some pictures of a low level creature the Herbet walker bush on a carpet of his palace.

Stop the bus service not just for now but for ever till pakistan is disintegrated or they deport all the LeT millitants, dawood and his henchmen to india and there is no violence even not a single stone is thrown from across the fence.

Freeze all diplomatic relationship with pakistan. stop all economic activity with pakistan. freeze any source of money flow of those bastards LeT and Dawood.

When chotta rajan was trying to cause havoc in Dawood's camp this shit fucker manmohan got him arrested and persecuted closing even the only avenue that was availbale to kill that bastard dawood with such a spineless shit fucker manmohan at the helm there is no hope for india to be secure.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Terror stalks mumbai and the spineless bastards..

Hell has broken loose in mumbai again for the countless time. I think every one has now lost count of the number of times mumbai or for that matter india has been attacked in this year alone. In the past 4 years alone around 4500 people have been killed . The reactions are fuckingly the same. The enuch ,castrated bastard manmohan crap blabbers the usual "the perpeterators have to pay the heavy toll..." shit. He thinks the nation is his toilet and he can do his usual smelly farts and get away with that. I think he is better only to serve as toilet cleaner in sonia's bathroom rather than being indian primeminister. How many times we have to bear this fucker's same blabbering? what fucking action has he taken so far? Can any one name any sensible thing this fucker has taken in the past 4 years leave alone in combating terrorism but on any other national front? He is such a bastardised coward he cannot even bring out a law to persecute terrorists.

Just like this filthy fucking bastard has this usual sentence "perpeterators will pay heavy toll" the people of mumbai like filthy headed shoba de and other craps have their own fashonable statement "Mumbai will rebound, it is very reselient ,blah ,blah." It is as if mumbai is something special and as if every mumbaikar has some horns over his head. Every city and town will start doing its usual stuff after a few days,whether it is mumbai or kolkatta it is going to be the same. These craps light some candles, take some walks and blabber the usual humanity should not die and such crapy lines thinking they have scored brownie points using their mustard size brains and become satisified with their crapy onleliners making it to page3 of some tabloid quality national newspaper. Other than this shit these bastards do not say any sensible statement to put pressure on the fucking enuch manmohan and another enuch shivraj patil.

How many lives India has to loose for this fucking manmohan and his enuch home minister to act? I read a report that USA is concerned about the actions India would take hence forth. The people at the state department need not worry at all. Even a kindergarten 5 year old will take more bold decision than this fucker ,idiot, coward, fit for nothing bastard manmohan. He thinks his burden is off if he just splatters the sentence "the perpeterartors will pay the toll". probably the terrorists did not pay some road toll when they were rushing with guns to kill the people and he is referring to that. How many times will he say the same sentence is he not bored of it? Doesnt his wife atleast tell him how boring it is to hear the same sentence without any sensible action?

Every body knows what action has to be taken.

1. India has to pursue the terrorist well deep into the fucking paki territory and take out the bastards in a surgical strike. What is the use of the fucking sukhois if it is not for safegaurding the indians? Is it a playing toy just for getting some kickbacks to fulfill the defence minister's personal kitty in some swiss account?

2. Bring out an economic naval blocade against that fucking country till it deports the LeT bastards and Dawood ibrahim.

3. IS a white guy's life more precious than an Indian's life? When the fucking America can stifle Libya for years to gether just for a lokcerbie incidient for the death of some 160 passagners , why should the fucking indians have to sit scuking their thumbs even when 4500 people have been killed in the past 4 years.

4. When the fucking kennedys can bring out a naval blocade against cuba just for rumours that the soviets have put some ICBMs in cuba why the fucking bastard manmohan cannot do that against that pundai country ?

5. Even a niconpoop like Karzai can act and sends drones to kill the fucki pakis the coward wearing the turban know only to pee in his pant than take any sensible action probably the fucker thinks that a afghani life is more precious than an indian's life.

Without discussing any of these things and taking action close to achieving these things i am not prepared to hear any other shits from any fucking bastard.

I never turn on to the online bastard Indian news channels but breaking that tradition i turned to them during this ordeal and fuck what a tension those bastards caused me, those bloody bastards just invigoriated the blood pressure in me. These fuckers just talked about fucking mumbaikar shit spirit instead of talking anything concrete about the bloody fucking cross border fuckers.

Atleast the BJP had some guts to amass the military on the border after the fucking parliment attack sending some chills down the spines of those bastards but this fucking bastard manmohan does not even have guts to follow the orders of supreme court to hang afzal the bastard. shame on this bloody shit fucking bastard manmohan singh probably instead of hanging afzal we should hang this bastard for being so inactive even in spite of thousands of indians being massacared due to cross border terrorism.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Disgusting chauvinism...

There were tens of thousands of ethnic Irish Americans in Maine protesting against Britain's persecution of Irish people in Ireland. Micheal Douglus, the hollywood actor said the US should send army to scuttle britain's ethnic cleansing otherwise the Irish Americans would seccede from America. His Irish blood is boiling over this. He questioned whether the blood running in Bill Clinton's body is irish. He challenged Bill Clinton to show his placental connection and called bill clinton a shame for not helping Irish cause using his ex-presidential influence. He said the Irish people now dont believe in USA. what is the use of ICBMs and nuclear warheads if it cannot be used for protecting the Irish-american taxpayer's umblical connection. He said the 10s of thousands of Irish people have chosen maine for protesting because maine is closer to england and their shouts and cries would reach britain's deaf ears. He also said in his emotional cry that he and his fellow irish-americans are going to take up AK-1000 if irish people are continue to be persecuted in Ireland.

Scene 2:

Collin powell and lakhs of African american gathered in Ocean city Maryland in a show of might for their umblical cord relations in darfur. Powell said African americans would seccede from america if USA does not fire 1000s of ICBMs against Khartum for its atrocity against the darfurians. Powell said america is playing against African american sentiments in Darfur. He said time has come for him and the 100s of thousands of African americans to swin against the atlantic ocean to reach africa and walk to darfur and show the might of their umblical cord's power.

Scene 3:

Gujaratis were being persecuted by Idi Amin. They were beaten and trashed and thier property confisticated. The gujartis were still Indian citizens they were not ethnic citizen of uganda. The gujaratis in India asked.....................atom bomb ..... pokhran ......umblical chord......

Now back to reality. Now why not such comedy happens in other parts of the world but only in TN? Even for infants the last remnants of umblical chord falls of within
2 days. How long will tamils in TN be taken for a ride in the name of umblical chord?

I strongly condemn the racist SL govt. but equally condemnable is the racial bigotry organisation the LTTE.

It has killed the greatest gandhian the world has ever produced after Gandhi -- Amirthalingam. Not only that it is the only organisation that has assasinated more leaders than all the terrorist organisation in the world combined. It has ethnically cleansed muslims. It has killed all the other splinter tamil groups. LTTE is doing ,done and will do more harm to the Tamils cause than anyone else. only when it is out of the scene a good solution could be achieved.

even when SL govt opened the A7 highway the LTTE blocks it. Even last week LTTE tried to sink vessel carrying food materials to kilinochi's tamil.whatever food material that reaches kilinochi is being grabbed by LTTE.

Why all of a sudden there is a sudden spike in the protests in TN? Even for a small lolipop sucking baby it would be very evident. The LTTE has been encircled by the SL army in its own den. Now there is no way for them except to fight and perish or chew their power candy dangling around their neck. The politicians in LTTE pay rolls in TN are doing what their pay masters want to do. The desperation is pretty evident with the amount of protests TN is seeing every day.

It is okay to raise voice in suppport of the kilinochi tamils even if the tamils in TN dont want to know the reality in kilinochi and the ulterior designs of LTTE even if none in the world would do such ridicule act citing umblical chord that has spanned about 1500 years. But what rights do Amir,seeman and other fools ask for seccession of TN from India?

The example these useless craps raise is that whether after mahatma gandhi's assasination the whole of godse's race was eliminated then why after Rajiv's death the whole of tamil race is being wiped? What a great logic these idiots are blabbering. First no Indian or indian army is killing TN tamils or for that matter no indian is killing SL tamils. Also Godse was hanged after his henious crime. Beant singh was hanged for killing indira. If they want to apply the same logic then Prabha also should be hanged for his role in Rajiv's assasination.

Seeman says that the homeland for tamils has been already achieved then why doesnt he go there and live in the homeland of tamils rather than staying in India and foementing seccession.

I recently read excerpts from a book about Tamil ethnic people other than from india. It talks about how sadistically the Eelam tamils used to treat the plantation tamils who migrated to SL. Till to date the plantation tamils who are real indians are being illtreated and looked down by SL Tamils. Till to date Thondaman the leader of plantation tamils shows how frustrated they are with the SL Tamils and LTTE.

The caste conscious SL tamils treat the plantation tamils as untouchables. Even leaving this i support the SL tamils just only on humanitarian basis and nothing on language basis. They are suffering from 2 demons one the dreaded LTTE and another some bigotry elements in SL like JVP and some chauvinistic buddhist elements.

Of all the leaders in TN who are being swept by irrational logic and by the of cash infused by the terrorist LTTE only JJ has stood her ground. She really distinguished between supporting Eelam tamils and opposing LTTE. In spite of all the tension and the palpable bigotry feelings being fanned in TN , she has stood ground. I also bow down to some TN congress leaders who are also in forefront in opposing the support for LTTE.

A hole in the bucket...

Last week i had an oppurtunity to watch a glimpse of the movie "billa" (not the new billa but the old rajini kanth's version) courtesy SUN TV the only Tamil channel that is visible in this part of the world through dish network. I dont have the patience to connect my computer to the TV screen to watch other channels but that is for some other day.

The part i just got the glimpse was the scene where Billa is chased by police. bills escapes from the police in a car, he goes in opposite directions in one way lanes, the police still chases him, he drives very crazily still the police chases him, he hits medians and other obstacles with his car still the police chases him, he somehow gets into a horse and rides down on it on mount road still the police chase him, he goes into kamarajar salai adjoining marina beach, the police still purse him, he goes near Napier bridge the police finally catch up on him and they shoot him down, he gets up and jumps into ..... yes jumps into cooum with his bullet injuries.

I was dumbfounded !!! not because i was surprised that Rajini could jump into cooum inspite of heavy bullet injury but to see that the cooum was cleaner than i had ever seen at that point of the bridge. Probably it was say 25 years before that movie was shot? probably Just in 10-15 years from a little murky but clean river at that point of its journey it has become brackish utterly poisonous river. I think Arjun in mudhalvan also jumps into the river at the same point of cooum. I remember how brakish it looked in that movie.
this is just a sample of the great innovative genius of tamils at display.

This is just not cooum, Coimbatore has its own cooum the Noyyal.

Now to the real topic which i wanted to write:

All i have heard about Documentary film festivals is that they would show documentaries from many countries with varying themes. But i have never heard of any documentary film festival organized on just one specific theme. But recently there was one documentary film festival just organized on one specific theme of "Water"!!!.
This doc. festival was held in india and what place on india would be more appropriate for it? any guesses yes it was held in the most notrious state which does not give a damn about water treaties. Yes, it is a great oxymoron. Bangalore hosted it.

The festival looks like showed more than 70 documentary on that theme. As usual documentaries from many countries were shown. It focussed on water wars between states/countries, water mismanagement, death of rivers etc.,

Many indian documentaries also were there. There were couple of documentaries on Tamilnadu rivers. (is there any river except tamiraparani that is exclusively in TN??)

There was a documentary named : My name is palar.
Another one by name : "A hole in the bucket".

The first one by the name itself we can understand it talks about the river palar.

the second film is about the water story of madaras. I could even find a web site for this documentary.

It looks like the director is a woman and her name is Leena manimekalai. I did not watch the documentary but the brief write up on it by "The frontline" magazine and also the commentary on the website sounds very intriguing. I think it would be a good watch.

But what really disappointed me is the documentary was funded by "govt of netherlands".

I am now becoming a firm believer that more than the corrupt government, only NGOs and comitted citizens can bring up any change on any thing. Is there any doubt to this even after reading about Rajendra Singh? ( 2001 Magsaysay Award winner and reviver of many dead rivers in Rajasthan).

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quality conscious another corporate cheat...

"Indian goods dont have quality then how would germans buy it, how would Americans buy it.?" "Sir, after .... company sent its good to US, the US company returned the goods and cancelled the order due to poor quality". "Indians dont have any honesty they cheat in quality then how could they come up in the world".

I dont know how true were these but these were the common complaints by self professed know all uncles during their discussions in any gathtering. I used to be school going kid at that time and i would carried over by those talks and started to feel bad about the quality of Indian products and the dishonesty in Indian psyche.

Now only i can clearly understand those were mere bullshits.

The US runs into billions and billions of dollar deficit in trading with China. The "quality conscious" US has insatiable hunger for the filthy goods from china.

Never a day goes by , that shatters the world about the poor quality and the cheating by the chinese comapnies.

Barbies recalled, mattel toys recalled, this is recalled ,that is recalled, recall recall is the only news the business section of wahingtonpost newspaper carries almost dialy.

But why still the trade deficit with China is increasing if the US is sooooooooooo quality conscious?? The lack of quality never seems to threaten chinese goods!!! Kids,babies ,infants get killed by the great quality chinese products but still nothing happens to the chinese exports not even a small dent and dint.

What else could be the reason other than the corporate greed? All the US corporations procure directly from china. They just want windfall profit they dont bother about the consumers.

The hapless US consumers , who in india are regarded as the greatest quality connosuiers, lap up any garbage thrown at them from china even if it causes them to die!!!

There is no sharp scathing attack by newspapers on these corporations procuring goods by the billions from china.

The newspapers just report about the recalls but they dont question the corporate policy. The recalls happen only after few victims ,usually the kids, surface in the news. Probably the newspapers and the US congress would dig out themselves of the slumber only after 1000s of deaths and destructions probably on the scale of katrina.

Then they would squabble among themselves and pass a bill restricting the greed of US corporations.

Indians are more quality conscious than the rest of the world then how else could you explain the fact that India is the only country that runs trade surplus against china. Not only that the common refrain of the average maamis and mammas about the quality of chinese goods is well evident again from their discussions just like they used to have when i was kid about indian goods but this time it is more tangiable to me and even to those know all maamas.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Freudian Trivialization of Hindu feelings and Dr. Balu...

In 2004, paul courtright a professor of Indian Religion, Emory University USA wrote a book with Freudian type interpretation on the concept of Ganesha. Here are few excerpts from the book:

Ganesa, "remains celibate so as not to compete erotically with his father, a notorious womanizer, either incestuously for his mother or for any other woman for that matter."

"Although there seem to be no myths or folktales in which Ganesa explicitly performs oral sex, his insatiable appetite for sweets may be interpreted as an effort to satisfy a hunger that seems inappropriate in an otherwise ascetic disposition, a hunger having clear erotic overtones. Ganesa’s broken tusk, his guardian staff, and displaced head can be interpreted as symbols of castration…This combination of child-ascetic-eunuch in the symbolism of Ganesa – each an explicit denial of adult male sexuality – appears to embody a primal Indian male longing: to remain close to the mother and to do so in a way that will both protect her and yet be acceptable to the father. This means that the son must retain access to the mother but not attempt to possess her sexually."

"An important element in the symbolism of the elephant head is displacement or, better disguise. The myth wants to make it appear that the elephant head was not a deliberate choice but merely the
nearest available head in an auspicious direction or the head of one of Siva’s opponents to whom he had already granted salvation. From a psychoanalytic perspective, there is meaning in the selection of the elephant head. Its trunk is the displaced phallus, a caricature of Siva’s linga. It poses no threat because it is too large, flaccid, and in the wrong place to be useful for sexual purposes…So Ganesa takes on the attributes of his father but in an inverted form, with an exaggerated limp phallus – ascetic and benign – whereas Siva is hard, erotic, and destructive."

"Ganesa, then, is an attempt of the Indian psyche to transform the incestuous hunger that a son feels for his mother . "

These Freudian outlook does not stop here it continues in another American Indologist , Jeffrey Kripal an Indologist prof. in the university of Chicago. This guy does an psycho-analysis of Ramakrishna Pramahamsar. According to this guy Ramakrishna was a Peodeophile and in order to hide his ulterior motives he faked those famous trances.

These are really blasphemus for Hindus especially the one on Ganesha. This created a big furore amognst the NRI Hindus in america. The publishers recalled the books from the stores. But many western authors do these type of pyscho analysis on christian religion too. I have read articles by some christian historian that Judas and Jesus had a homo sexual relationship and judas was annoyed by jesus when jesus started to ignore him. On being outraged by this cold shouldering judas lets jesus to the romans. Also, the whole DaVinci code and lots of books of that genere (both before and after that book) questioned the legacy of christ and portrayed christ in more humanic terms.

I did not get agitated but little irritated by this view on ganesha. Constantly being barraged by periyar's much more uncouth comments on Hindu gods this psycho analysis on ganesha seemed more benign to me. But many hindus who are not exposed to periyar's barrage may not be as immune as me. Also as far as Ramakrishna parahamsar is concerned eventhough i dont know about his pedophile intentions, from my childhood i carried the conviction that something is really wrong with him. I held the view that he is a nut gone loose case. How else could we reason his wintnessing of gods who dismiss each other's existence? The philosophy of whole christian religion lies on the basis that there is no other god other than christ. Paramahamsar said he has witnessed Jesus and also Ram and also Allah. He has even banged his head against some stone pillars when he could not witness them.

I have to slightly digress now from the main topic. Recently (I think jan of this year) there was a conference in NewDelhi called “Rethinking Religion in India". I just happened to see some recorded videos of the conference on You tube. The conference head was one Dr. Balagangadhar. The talkers in the conference were some professors in socialogy from some Ivy league colleges of USA.

My curiosity increased on this man Dr.Balagangadhar. He just did not have a beard he had a mane!! I just started looking more about him in the net. He was a director of comparitive religious school in some university called Ghent in Belgium. I started googling him and i hit upon his web site. I started going through it and got to read his take on those professors paul courtright and etal.

His article began so methodically setting up a strong base. I got really impressed with the begining . I thought oh, i think i could find the missing great philosophical interludes for all the puranic stories from this counter article and also from all his books and now i can really counter some of periyars blabbering. I just felt elated and also felt really bad on myself for to have dismissed all of the puranaic stories in Hindu religion as utter nonsense with no really philosophical interludes to the main advaitic or dwaitic philosophy of hinduism.

But my joy was shortlived when i finished reading reading the article. It was as hollow as Ram goplan's (the Hindu munani leader) utterances. Dr. bala's image just imploded in me.This happens quite a few times for all of us. We would just thnk great about some one but on the basis of something but when we get to journey a little more on them their image just peters out. I thought My mother or even me could give a better counter to paul courtright's book.

The crux of Dr. Balagangadhar counter, filtering out all his meaderings in the pretext of setting up a strong base to his reasoing, is that paul courtright or for that matter any western author do not have right to comment Indian symbols, abstractedness ,philosophy and religion without taking into account the Hindu expereinces which an Hindu goes through on these symbols like says a linga.

His argument is that these distortive outlooks which even many Indians have imbibed are due to the western way of looking at things that are incomprehensible to them with out taking into consideration the unique Hindu experience.

As i said before My mother and even "gnanabhoomi" magazine could provide decent and convincing counter arguments to these baubles.

With the limited readings i have done on him, it appears that he needs to delve deep into Indian religious texts to put forth convincing arguments or just leave it bare and not defend purananic representation of Hindu philosophy (just because it hurts him as he has gone old now) rather than questioning every western author's writings with just a single argument of those authors interpretation lacking genuine Hindu expereince.

My strongest conviction is puranas are not the crux of hinduism. The upanishads, which are the real commenataries or bashiams to vedas form the crux of hinduism.

The Freudian thought of ganesha by paul courtright is also not without basis. In TN, you would find pillayar in the banks of every river in every town the river passes and there is a common folklore at least in TN that pillayar is in the banks of the rivers to find a woman ,who is as beautiful as his mother, as the river banks are the main passing by areas of women.

I feel Dr. Balu is just struck by a chord of an old man's nostalgic return to his roots and getting helpless at the inability to counter with convincing arguments.

My argument is just because it hurts the sentiments of Hindu believers people cannot stop questioning puranas. Can we say at the same breadth that just because questioning sati does not take into consideration the unique expereince the proponents of sati undergo we should limit ourself and not bring forth any reform on to that territory?

I would tell Dr.balu to propogate the "Advaitic" Consiousness in Hindu philosophy rather than meander in the defense of puranic manifestations.

More information on him and his research team can be found in

The Youtube recording of the conference which Dr.Balu headed in delhi can be viewed at

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gates Vs Ballmer...

All men are mortals, their success does not make them infallible. Success is really a decoupled commodity from maturity. It is really a folly to expect a well rounded personality just because someone had been really successful in life. A lesson well learnt for me when i had the oppurtunity to go over some recently published papers on Gates and Ballmer relationship.

I had really thought Gates really propped/groomed Ballmer as a replacement for him. Looks like it is not really so. When Gates really stepped down to No.2 in MS he really did not like him being a second fiddle to his chosen man. I could not really grasp this. A man without any force willingly makes his closest buddy the top man of his company but looks like without even understanding his own decision to sidestep he kept interfering in his friend's territory. If he wanted Ballmer to be just a namesake CEO he should have named himself as COO and should have devoted more time as he had done before in running the affairs of MS but he did not choose that route . He wanted a reduced work load to concentrate more time on philanthrophy and at the same time he could not satiate his ego to take commands from his friend. In meetings and in other events this became very evident ,he kept snubbing Ballmer passing murky comments about Ballmers ability in front of other Vice presidents some times even reducing ballmer to tears.

Going through that WSJ artcle , i really felt that Google was allowed to grow because of the simmering cold fued between these two men. MS was considering NetDocs a web/net version of its famed Office product suite,long before Google had any idea of offering it, but this product was caught in the cross currents of the ego clash between these two and it never saw the light of the day in the end.

It took the cajoling of Melinda gates and some VPs to make these two meet in a Restaurant to defuse their cold war type fued. After this meeting Gates really realised and admitted his mistake of not playing the role he assigned himself but indulging too much in Ballmer's territory. The meeting had a miraculous effect on Gates and the other VPs in MS could really feel the difference in the attitude of Mr.Gates.

Now Bill has even decided to walk down into retirement. At the end of day in June 6 of this year his involvement in MS would be just reducted to that of the chairman of the board. He has now vacated his corner office for his buddy ballmer. The hawk has really sung its swan song.

Here another wise man's observation also seemed to have failed. I still remember the late Dewang Mehta's comment on Mr.Gates, Mehta had said Bill would never loose the drive to create more money. But as Gates finally steps out of Microsoft's day today activities on June 6,2008 to devote full time on philonthrophy I can sense the tiredness in the man, the thirst which dewang Mehta saw has really been quenched. The angry young man has become a mellowed do gooder.

But one thing is for sure he has left the corporate world with a long shadow looming on it which would be very tall for any one to measure up against.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

And now its libor...

If there is anything that affects your life more than your spouse and your family i can bet it can be none other than libor. Its the london interbank offer rate.

All the interest rates are tied to it, your mortgage rate, your car loan rate, your student loan rate, the rate that bank offers for your savings account, the rate the companies get money etc depends on this rate.

Not only that some countries even alter their monetary policy based on this rate .

With being the nerve and bankbone of the whole instituition of capitalistic soceity one would expect it is highly regulated and sanctified than the instituition of marriage.

But looks like it is another highly manipulated index with no verification on its validity. The libor rates depends on some 16 member banks dialy reportings or to aptly call it blabberings.

Just a .001 manipulation of its value would cost a whopping amount any one could imagine. I think we cannot, atleast i cannot quantify the number with my limited counting wizardry. I think no one better than these banks would understand the grave importance of being honest in this number. The entire capitalistic machinery needs this number to even make a creeching sound if not for running.

It looks as if these banks run a roulette wheel and just blurt out a number that is convenient to them to the libor board. But alas the libor board is as guillible as or even more guillible than a 3 year old as this libor board is. This is based on my experience , i dont think i can cheat or no one can cheat my 3 year old with a junk story of this type.

These 16 US banks tell the libor board as how much it would be willing to spend to get a loan as it stands today. The dollar libor rate would be the average of these 16 numbers.

The roulette random wheel which these bank uses cannot cross any number greater than 3. The wheel splurts the dice to a slot within the number 3 and the bank rep. just blurts out the number.

Even at the height of credit crisis when these banks were spending lot more to get their inter bank rate loans they repeatedly have quoted a very low number to libor. The main reason is if they tell the true picture it would clearly portray the desperate situation of their credit needs which in turn would show how hollow their balance sheet is. So inorder to conceal their hollowness these banks desperately tried to conceal the real percent lending rates and quoted low of their borrowing rates to the board.

The board members with so much guillible attitude could not even detect the hollowness in the numbers even at the time of credit crunch.

Capitalism can thrive only when there is sound regulatory authority that does not stifle the growth but miffles the fraud. But the libor board failed to act and behaved like the guillible buffons parading in the local circus.

At last some one in the wall street journal who grew suspicious of this libor conducted an investigation which revealed .75 to .85 percentage point cheating in the rates.

The transparancy International howls at indian babus for their corruption and ranks india at the top echelons of corruption index at the same time sleeping over the US corporate cheatings and defrauding to the tunes of arae yaar what number is after trillion?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Oosi rajas the need for the hour...

The government of india is way out spending its resource at its disposal on AIDS. People are more familiar with "pulli raja" than any other raja now. I feel it is an outright misplaced priority. HIV/AIDS affects .1% of the population. Well , i am not saying it should not be on the radar of the govt. What i am saying is it should be dethroned from its #1 position of govt. priority . Enough of pulli rajas on the prime time TV. Its time to put an end to this misplaced priority.

The awarness should be on targeted audience than this carpet bombing on the hapless citiznery. With the constant bombardment of pulli rajas even the corner tea shop guy knows that India ranks 2nd in the world in the number of AIDS patients. The stigma of cultural inferiority has been smeared on our face.

Every critic of our rich cultural heritage lampoons us with this un proved fact.

Now the WHO has revised its estimate on the number of people carrying HIV. It has down revised the number by, i think, more than 40% . This has not been communicated down to the hapless multitude.

Why is this a misplaced priority? When there are so many things to be done on the basic health infrastructure on a war footing , concentrating on this just to score some brownie points with some foreign charities is really deplorable.

This unnecassry thing on a war footing is causing lack of resources and coordination on even the basic health necassities. The following stats shows how misplaced the priority has been.Where is this country headed to?

Lets now look at some of the stats where there is a great detoriation due to misplced concentration of priorities.


Year % for 3 doses of DPT vacc. % for DT booster

1990 100 81.4

1991 90.9 77.8

1992 90.6 77.8



1998 90.1 60.8


Not only on diptheria but this awful trend continues on other diseases too. Measles immunization coverage is only 60-50%.

Immunisation coverage for non polio related diseases in Bihar is only 13 per cent, followed by Rajasthan with 19.7 per cent and UP at 26.7 per cent.

Various studies have implicated poor vaccination services and low awareness among parents as the major reasons for poor immuni-zation coverage(22-24,28,34-37).

where is the time and budget when the whole of the union health budget is geared on the creation of pulli raja advertisement. It is enough if the govt. concnetrates on the high risk group for this disease (the lorry drivers and sex workers) instead of bombarding us with pulli rajas in prime time. rather the govt. should be bombarding us with DPT and measles vaccine related "OOsi rajas".

Another question is why it takes a bill gates to open up research on dengue and other tropical disease. Instead of stooping too low to fly balloons made of condoms let the govt. get the priority straight. No more pulli rajas we need only oosi rajas.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Please quit smoking..

The Cine industry raises knuckles when it says that the adivice of Anbumani, the health minister, asking the leading stars not to hit the smoke or the bottle in the screen is an invasion or restriciton over their creativity.

Look who is talking about creativity. Kollywood or bollywood and creativity in the same sentence, even for a moron, is an oxymoron. All the films fail in the hustings just because of lack of creativity or the lack of quality creativity.

If somehow the Hollywood movies did not reach indian shores by way of DVDs or VCRs or the celluloid version then only 2 or 3 films will be ever made per year by the indian film industry. Such is the quality of their original thinking. With this state of affairs these people are crying for restriction over creativity.

The heights of comedy in this saga is the main voice crying foul about creativity is the one who doesnt even bother to alter his plagarism to suit indian context, Mahesh bhatt. He just realses his pirated bollywood version without even taking a small effort to alter his cloned movie to correct even glaring mistakes the original hollywood flick has . A typical example of the famous tamil saying "E adichan copy". From now on this term can be altered to say "Mahesh bhatt adichan copy". Probably this is the reason that crap is crying foul. If he has to stop showing a hero or heroine smoking he has to come out his "banana peel" tardiness to alter those scenes in his video copy paste creativity . Which for his small sized brain looks menancingly huge and throws huge monstrous fears.

When creativity and bollywood,kollywood,tollywood etc., are billions of light year distance away why are the crying interference about it. Perhaps for the same reason which mahesh butt has. It is only becasue they cannot think origianl to architect any scene , for they are only capable of copy paste no edit creativity.

Ram gopal verma is mahesh butt's senior in this. Nishabd is istelf enough of his great copy paste creativity.

Everyone knows that everything shown in the film does not stop in the theatres. It percolates into each and every cell of every movie goers. This is especially true in india where MGR,NTR,Jaya,Rajesh khanna, Govinda, shotgun sinha, ABachchan were made MPS and MLAs and CMs. In India the average cine goer cannot distinguish the real life from reel life.

The ITC is so indebted to Rajini kanth for making crores of idotic tamils to hit to smoke. Even the dumbest of the dumb knows how seeing Rajini's crapy antics with the white roll many idiots are now in theores of death succumbing to the demon ,lung cancer.

These stars for their copy paste creative antics in the screen are raking/stealing big moolahs just from the packets of $1 per day per capita crowd. Dont they have any conscience to repay or do something for the people they have pickpocketed their moolahs ? Are they so mean as the average bus pick pocketer? I have heard that some good souls in that genre return highly important doucments which is of no use to them.

Even when the poor man on the street does not have any money to feed his kids he borrows enough money to see these crapy idiots on the silver screen. He neglects his family,kids and even his hunger and spends whatever money he could lay his hands to, just to spend to see these idiots loitering around trees with big cleaveage woman uttering junkiest of junk lines.

Have these stars done any thing in return? Even if they dont do any good to the public these crapy idoits of the tinsel town should stop creating nuisance to the public.

The actors know very much what would be IQ of us people to see their utter foolish,rubbish crapy monkey antics. So atleast considering our low IQ that we cannot distinguish between real and reel they should turn magnanimous to stop at least the teens not to fall prey to the evils of smoke and liquour. Ramadoss is not asking them to sermon in each and every film about the ills of smoke and liquour what he is begging them (lterally) is to stop eulogising the cigars as if it is an aphrodsia or a viagra or the power to manhood. when i was a kid i thought rajini is epitome of manhood just because of his smoking!! Some how the saner advice of my mother helped me understand the stuff.

Rajini kanth has caused enough havoc on tamils. He is a demon for he has pushed sooooooooooooo many youngsters to the evil of smoke. so is sharukh khan on the hapless Northies. If whatever Hindu Gods have said in purnas is true, i hope someday these two demons would be slaughtered by some avatar of vishnu to deliver salvation to the multitude of people.

God , the purnas say, first gives verbal advice to the demons to quit their bad shows if the demons dont heed to those sensible words God takes to his weaponary to .....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Me and Myself..

"...You guys have no other way. Your ears are destined to hear only my brother's songs. He is the genius..." Idolization should not be to this extreme. But it is Tamil nadu , its our way of life. This is one of the most irritant self vaunting i have heard. I wish i could call it as the most idolatory/sychopantic words ever uttered . But TN is TN , the birth place of extreme idolation and this sycophancy was just surpassed and surmounted by idolaiton much worse than this.

The first and the most basic path to salvation is forgetting me,myself and I. People who display 3 gargatum lines of ash smeared across their forehead with a big kumkum in the middle to portray their sense of humbleness are the ones in the forefront of salivating,expecting demanding extreme sycophancy. They think the 3 lines of ash is just enough to attain salvation but in reality they cannot even cross the basic tenet of salvation in their words and deeds.

Salvation for them stops just at the ashes with nothing more to follow. I hope every one by now know whom i am referring to. I am just referring to Ilayaraja, who with his chamcha brothers crowned himself as king of music.

scores and scores of directors were humilated by the whimps and wishes of his mood and pride. some scenes in every film praising him were a must, to get him compose music for that film. I remember one of Parthiban's film even carried lots of big cutouts of this creep for no rhyme or reason. Lyricsts worked overtime to fit lines praising him in film songs during such lines his cutouts would be displayed in the film unnecessarily. Heores in the midst of running around the trees during the song would do a salute to his cutout during those lines. Ramarajan's films were great example of this suffocating sycophancy.

This sycophancy was growing to such an extent that it started to suffocate and even asyphix viewers. It was just a feeling of being put in a cloistered room with scant oxygen and abundant smoldering smoke. Thank god a small window got opened to gush in some fresh air to relieve the smoky congestion. That gushing breeze energised the room with great energizing fragrance and it sucked out the smoke to extinction.

That fragrant breeze started with
"chinna chinna aasai ..." to chisel out the much needed epitaph to the much disgusting personality.

Irrelevance of Vairamuthu..

I have never felt moved by most of his film songs. I felt his lines were really incoherent and i could not find any smooth transition between the lines. I always felt a jerk in sequencing of thoughts.

No one can really quote any song where his words and thoughts are strong. The songs through out his reign in the industry were more striking for the music than for their words. His imaginations are utmost dry and only sensible words he could muster are during songs which says what would happen if this did not happen but this happens variety. Other than this genere most of his songs are as dry as desert and nothing that smothens mellifluously your heart.

The gap between poetry and lyricism widened because of him. Our tastes were blunted and we had to fall into false sense that film songs cannot have any literary sense. He lowered the quality of words in songs to create such a domino effect on the overall Tamil film lyrics that it even embolded fourth rated crapy guys like gangai amaran, Ilyaraja to pen songs for films. It is a great pity that he could win the most coveted national award for film songs more time than any other lyricist. Cant help but puke his connection with MK in this regard.

Thank God he is no longer the much sought after guy and his film obituary is being finalized. the new breed of lyricists Na. muthukumar, kabilan, pa.vijay etc., can so beautifully blend film song lyrics and Tamil poetry. Even a "kutthu" song ,like "katthaza kannala" now has great beautiful words woven into it. Its a great sense of relief to the ears that were used only to "Aathadi Pavada kaathada.......".