Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quality conscious another corporate cheat...

"Indian goods dont have quality then how would germans buy it, how would Americans buy it.?" "Sir, after .... company sent its good to US, the US company returned the goods and cancelled the order due to poor quality". "Indians dont have any honesty they cheat in quality then how could they come up in the world".

I dont know how true were these but these were the common complaints by self professed know all uncles during their discussions in any gathtering. I used to be school going kid at that time and i would carried over by those talks and started to feel bad about the quality of Indian products and the dishonesty in Indian psyche.

Now only i can clearly understand those were mere bullshits.

The US runs into billions and billions of dollar deficit in trading with China. The "quality conscious" US has insatiable hunger for the filthy goods from china.

Never a day goes by , that shatters the world about the poor quality and the cheating by the chinese comapnies.

Barbies recalled, mattel toys recalled, this is recalled ,that is recalled, recall recall is the only news the business section of wahingtonpost newspaper carries almost dialy.

But why still the trade deficit with China is increasing if the US is sooooooooooo quality conscious?? The lack of quality never seems to threaten chinese goods!!! Kids,babies ,infants get killed by the great quality chinese products but still nothing happens to the chinese exports not even a small dent and dint.

What else could be the reason other than the corporate greed? All the US corporations procure directly from china. They just want windfall profit they dont bother about the consumers.

The hapless US consumers , who in india are regarded as the greatest quality connosuiers, lap up any garbage thrown at them from china even if it causes them to die!!!

There is no sharp scathing attack by newspapers on these corporations procuring goods by the billions from china.

The newspapers just report about the recalls but they dont question the corporate policy. The recalls happen only after few victims ,usually the kids, surface in the news. Probably the newspapers and the US congress would dig out themselves of the slumber only after 1000s of deaths and destructions probably on the scale of katrina.

Then they would squabble among themselves and pass a bill restricting the greed of US corporations.

Indians are more quality conscious than the rest of the world then how else could you explain the fact that India is the only country that runs trade surplus against china. Not only that the common refrain of the average maamis and mammas about the quality of chinese goods is well evident again from their discussions just like they used to have when i was kid about indian goods but this time it is more tangiable to me and even to those know all maamas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What you heard is partly true.

the Quality of export of Indians are poor and the quality is inconsistant.

most of the food stufs exported are for indian abroad to consume, who know how much to expect.
The chinise products as are far more BAD than the Indian ones both engineering, textile and like many other fields.

the looks of finished products from india, is the worst but they will not fail in performance badly.

the looks of finished products from china is good but failure is high.

the corporate companies of india do not bother to export.

the sinthi gujaraathi and similar groups who are for fast bucks ready to launch one company for one of deal all only to cheat are mostly doing this sort of things. I am seeing slow change is taking place now and india is getting better, where us china is slipping in this regard.