Sunday, November 30, 2008

why this farce?

I dont understand why the terrorists have to do such risky job of sailing in the sea to bring their weapons? Dont they know that india sends buses, trains, planes to help them to bring those things?

The indian govt fuckers will be the only shit fuckers in the world who would send buses,trains to transport people to kill their own country men. Who the fuck in the world was crying for such buses?

why we need to fence the border when we issue visas for terrorists to enter legally?

Unless and until sonai gandhi or priyanka gandhi or rahul gandhi or that mama vadera fall to the bullets of terrorists no sensible security actions would be taken. Remember Rajiv gandhi's killing ? After that the LTTE has been proscribed for 17 years but even after kargil, 4500 lives, akshardaan,punjab militancy,kashmiri militancy and other multitude and multitude of shameless craps we still send buses .

Will America do it? Will Isreal do it? will even a miniscule country like SL Lanka do it? Only shameless india will do it. only a spineless,senesless bastard like manmohan can do it. Is it his life that is being under threat no not all. There are thousands of security officials who stand guard even when he is shitting, smelling all his farts. It is just the lives of some low form creatures the indians that are being lost so why bother to strain his miniscule mustard sized brain to come up with solutions.

After 9/11, the taliban paid the price, Saddam paid his price for nothing but just for putting some pictures of a low level creature the Herbet walker bush on a carpet of his palace.

Stop the bus service not just for now but for ever till pakistan is disintegrated or they deport all the LeT millitants, dawood and his henchmen to india and there is no violence even not a single stone is thrown from across the fence.

Freeze all diplomatic relationship with pakistan. stop all economic activity with pakistan. freeze any source of money flow of those bastards LeT and Dawood.

When chotta rajan was trying to cause havoc in Dawood's camp this shit fucker manmohan got him arrested and persecuted closing even the only avenue that was availbale to kill that bastard dawood with such a spineless shit fucker manmohan at the helm there is no hope for india to be secure.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Terror stalks mumbai and the spineless bastards..

Hell has broken loose in mumbai again for the countless time. I think every one has now lost count of the number of times mumbai or for that matter india has been attacked in this year alone. In the past 4 years alone around 4500 people have been killed . The reactions are fuckingly the same. The enuch ,castrated bastard manmohan crap blabbers the usual "the perpeterators have to pay the heavy toll..." shit. He thinks the nation is his toilet and he can do his usual smelly farts and get away with that. I think he is better only to serve as toilet cleaner in sonia's bathroom rather than being indian primeminister. How many times we have to bear this fucker's same blabbering? what fucking action has he taken so far? Can any one name any sensible thing this fucker has taken in the past 4 years leave alone in combating terrorism but on any other national front? He is such a bastardised coward he cannot even bring out a law to persecute terrorists.

Just like this filthy fucking bastard has this usual sentence "perpeterators will pay heavy toll" the people of mumbai like filthy headed shoba de and other craps have their own fashonable statement "Mumbai will rebound, it is very reselient ,blah ,blah." It is as if mumbai is something special and as if every mumbaikar has some horns over his head. Every city and town will start doing its usual stuff after a few days,whether it is mumbai or kolkatta it is going to be the same. These craps light some candles, take some walks and blabber the usual humanity should not die and such crapy lines thinking they have scored brownie points using their mustard size brains and become satisified with their crapy onleliners making it to page3 of some tabloid quality national newspaper. Other than this shit these bastards do not say any sensible statement to put pressure on the fucking enuch manmohan and another enuch shivraj patil.

How many lives India has to loose for this fucking manmohan and his enuch home minister to act? I read a report that USA is concerned about the actions India would take hence forth. The people at the state department need not worry at all. Even a kindergarten 5 year old will take more bold decision than this fucker ,idiot, coward, fit for nothing bastard manmohan. He thinks his burden is off if he just splatters the sentence "the perpeterartors will pay the toll". probably the terrorists did not pay some road toll when they were rushing with guns to kill the people and he is referring to that. How many times will he say the same sentence is he not bored of it? Doesnt his wife atleast tell him how boring it is to hear the same sentence without any sensible action?

Every body knows what action has to be taken.

1. India has to pursue the terrorist well deep into the fucking paki territory and take out the bastards in a surgical strike. What is the use of the fucking sukhois if it is not for safegaurding the indians? Is it a playing toy just for getting some kickbacks to fulfill the defence minister's personal kitty in some swiss account?

2. Bring out an economic naval blocade against that fucking country till it deports the LeT bastards and Dawood ibrahim.

3. IS a white guy's life more precious than an Indian's life? When the fucking America can stifle Libya for years to gether just for a lokcerbie incidient for the death of some 160 passagners , why should the fucking indians have to sit scuking their thumbs even when 4500 people have been killed in the past 4 years.

4. When the fucking kennedys can bring out a naval blocade against cuba just for rumours that the soviets have put some ICBMs in cuba why the fucking bastard manmohan cannot do that against that pundai country ?

5. Even a niconpoop like Karzai can act and sends drones to kill the fucki pakis the coward wearing the turban know only to pee in his pant than take any sensible action probably the fucker thinks that a afghani life is more precious than an indian's life.

Without discussing any of these things and taking action close to achieving these things i am not prepared to hear any other shits from any fucking bastard.

I never turn on to the online bastard Indian news channels but breaking that tradition i turned to them during this ordeal and fuck what a tension those bastards caused me, those bloody bastards just invigoriated the blood pressure in me. These fuckers just talked about fucking mumbaikar shit spirit instead of talking anything concrete about the bloody fucking cross border fuckers.

Atleast the BJP had some guts to amass the military on the border after the fucking parliment attack sending some chills down the spines of those bastards but this fucking bastard manmohan does not even have guts to follow the orders of supreme court to hang afzal the bastard. shame on this bloody shit fucking bastard manmohan singh probably instead of hanging afzal we should hang this bastard for being so inactive even in spite of thousands of indians being massacared due to cross border terrorism.